Are we being told the truth about climate change? Is it real? These questions and more are answered by Jeremy Nieboer.
Three books that are vital for anyone searching for the truth about climate and its impact on humanity.

The appalling events in the Ukraine have shocked Western democracies. Yet this disaster has allowed reality to assume its dominion over wishful thinking. All but the most obsessed will know that we must regain self sufficiency in energy – energy that is abundant and affordable.
The book makes a devastating case on the dangers of “de-carbonisation”. CO2 in the atmosphere is now 417 parts per million. For 99% of the time since life emerged it has been 5 – 10 times higher. If it falls to 150 ppm plants cannot survive – nor can we.
At pre industrial levels CO2 has already absorbed all available radiated heat. Adding more of the gas has no noticeable effect. Even if doubled it would result in warming of only 0.80C. This is a basic principle of radiation spectroscopy. It has been known for over 50 years to those responsible for disseminating the shocking deception of global warming dogma.
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Green in Tooth and Claw is not so much about climate change, but the elite forces that use fear and ignorance to push their agenda. Niall McCrae’s fact filled book is a must read for all who value freedom and honesty.
A variety of self appointed ‘elites’ belong to organisations that have been manipulating democracies to achieve the goal of World Government. It sounds far-fetched, until one looks at the evidence McCrae provides.
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